Welcome to Birth & Beyond, a practice of experienced, Registered Midwives offering personalized, compassionate care to pregnant people and newborns. As university-based midwives we have a strong commitment to evidence-based care, as well as exploring with you the connections between science and beauty in birth. We offer the space for you to explore and support your informed decisions.
A small, caring practice
We are a small practice of Registered Midwives with many years of experience caring for families from many ages, situations and communities. We all hold faculty appointments through the UBC Faculty of Medicine and divide our time between midwifery, teaching, research and work within the College of Midwives of BC and the Midwives Association of BC. Through our work in Canada, the United States, Central America, India, Africa and the Middle East, we have learned much about how culture and environment interact with birth and families. We offer our services in English, Spanish and French, and partial Swedish.
A known, accessible care provider
We enjoy meeting with growing families and developing strong, trusting relationships. Our prenatal visits and postpartum checkups offer ample time to discuss your physical, emotional and social wellbeing. We are on call all days of the week, at all times, to ensure you have a known caregiver supporting you.
Supporting physiologic birth
We believe that you can give birth safely, with dignity and confidence, when you share the responsibility for your health and birth choices with your caregivers. We are skilled in supporting physiologic birth by providing emotional and clinical support through your pregnancy, labour and birth. You can choose to deliver at home or in hospital with the guidance and constant support of one of our midwives.
Informed decision making
We believe you have the right to be the primary decision-maker in your care. Central to our philosophy is a belief in the importance of informed choice. Our role is to provide the information, research, clinical information and resources you need in order to guide your decisions regarding you and your growing family’s wellbeing. Feel free to browse our Resources page. You are also welcome to our extensive library of books and videos to help prepare for the miraculous and transformative experience that pregnancy, childbirth and parenting can be.