Welcome to Birth & Beyond, a practice of experienced, professional midwives offering personalized, compassionate care to women and newborns. As university-based midwives we have a strong commitment to high quality evidence-based care, as well as exploring with you the connections between science and beauty in birth.
We enjoy meeting with growing families and developing strong trusting relationships. Our one hour prenatal visits and home-based postpartum checkups offer ample time to discuss your physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. We are on call all days of the week, at all times, to ensure you have a known caregiver supporting you.
We believe that a woman can give birth safely, with dignity and confidence, when she shares the responsibility for her health and birth choices with her caregivers. You can choose to deliver at home or in hospital with the guidance and constant support of one of our faculty midwives.
Feel free to explore our website for more details and resources, and enjoy your experience of birth and beyond. Clients are always welcome to our extensive library of books and videos to help prepare for the miraculous and transformative experience that pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting can be.
Book a visit with one of our midwives by calling us at 604.822.8800 or emailing us at info@birthandbeyondmidwives.com.